Benson Seth Probert
Born July 16, 2015
7 lb 13 ounces
9:03 PM
It has been nearly six weeks since this little guy came into our life! He has changed our world and we are pretty obsessed with him. He is such a sweet little guy and has become our everything.
I can hardly believe it has already been almost six weeks and I can already tell he has gotten SO much bigger. Someday I will look back at photos of him and think how tiny he is, but I already feel like he is almost out of the newborn stage. He is over 10 lbs now and has grown out of his newborn clothes and is in three month clothes! Although I hate that he is no longer as tiny, we are loving watching his sweet and funny personality start to develop.
At six weeks:
- He is starting to smile at us
- He makes the funniest sound every time he yawns (has done this since day 1)
- He is starting to become so bright-eyed and follows faces and figures
- He is not a great sleeper, and usually only gives me 2 hour increments (only thing I am not sad about him not being so newborn anymore!)
- He is so spoiled that he only will be rocked to sleep and loves falling asleep on people chest to chest
- He commonly has a very concerned/serious look on his face (something like "are you sure you are fit to raise me?")
- He loves baths and looks so cute when he's nakey
- He is the LOUDEST sleeper! Either snoring or growling...let's just say Seth and I don't get much restful sleep
- He has the sweetest disposition and almost everyone that meets him comments on his sweet spirit